By plugging it in and following the instructions in the user’s manual, the receiver will recommend a crossover setting, automatically compensate for distance, and adjust the level of individual speakers. If you have a modern A/V receiver, it probably came with a little microphone allows the system to automatically adjust all of these settings. However, some entry level and older equipment will require manual setup. These days, most people will utilize an auto-calibration of some sort, i.e. There are two ways to make these adjustments. We’ll also discuss the Equalization (aka EQ) features of modern Audio/Video Receivers. For this video, we’re going to explain the importance of setting Crossover, Distance, and Level for your speakers. If not, click the link to take a peek, or visit our YouTube channel to find it and other great videos. Hopefully, you’ve already taken a look at our Speaker Positioning videothat guides you through the setup of where to physically put your home theater speakers.